First Visit to the Dentist

Preparing Your Child: The Basics

Tell your child that he/she is going to the dentist and the dentist is going to count their teeth, probably take some pictures (x-rays) of their teeth, and clean their teeth with a special toothbrush.

Respond to your child’s questions, to which you don’t know the answer, with “I don’t know…we will have to ask the dentist when we get there.”

Refrain from discussing any negative dental experiences or dental anxiety you may have, in order to help ensure a positive experience for your child. Avoid words such as “shot”, “drill”, “pull teeth,” etc. See the Four Letter Words. Children can easily pick up on their parents’ anxieties and express them as their own.

Office 912-715-SURF (7873)
Fax 912-717-9595

Patient Hours:
Mon–Fri: 7am–2pm

Office Hours:
Mon-Thur: 8am-5pm
Fri: 8am-3pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

Richmond Hill

135 Cedar Street
Richmond Hill, GA 31324


103 East General Stewart Way
Hinesville, GA 31313


4850 Altama Avenue
Brunswick, GA 31520

Veteran-Owned Business

2019 Davey Award Winner